library handles routine SAM32 functionsEverything in the default/lib/ folder on GitHub: default/lib/
A list of functions you can call from the sam32 class.
Example showing LED and NEOPIXEL LED
>>> from sam32lib import sam32
>>> sam32.LED
>>> sam32.LED = True
>>> sam32.RGB = (0,255,0)
>>> sam32.LED = False
>>> sam32.RGB = (0,0,0)
>>> sam32.rainbow
Press any key to stop
Example showing scanning for WiFi hotspots
>>> from sam32lib import sam32
>>> sam32.esp_init()
>>> sam32.ap_scan()
xfinitywifi RSSI: -81
CableWiFi RSSI: -81
EDGE804 RSSI: -84
Example showing how to use the sam32lib to program the ESP32:
>>> from sam32lib import sam32
[WARNING] ESP32 timed out - Have you programmed the ESP32?
>>> sam32.esp_prog()