Configuring Mu to work with the SAM32

Mu is an editor for embedded projects (Mu development is currently in alpha). Mu will work as a serial terminal to the SAM32, but we first need to add our board to the list of accepted CircuitPython projects.

On Mac

  1. Close Mu (if it's open) and navigate to the Mu installation directory (might look something like this: /Applications/
  2. Open the / file in a text editor and add (0x04D8, None), to the the valid_boards list (somewhere around line 54) and save. The file should now contain something like:
  (0x1B4F, 0x8D22),  # SparkFun SAMD21 Mini Breakout
  (0x1B4F, 0x8D23),  # SparkFun SAMD21 Dev Breakout
  (0x04D8, None),    # All Stanford-related Boards
  1. After saving the file, open Mu again and it should now talk with the SAM32 board as expected.


  1. Follow the same steps as for the mac, except the file will be located in a directory similar to... C:\\Users\\USERNAME\\AppData\\Local\\Mu\\\\pkgs\\\\mu\\\\modes

    (make sure to change 'USERNAME').